Feeding Oil Seed Rape straw


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of feeding osr straw to cows? Any good? Or is it harmful to them?
I don't even know if they'll eat it.
its the finest, nice oil content in it aswell for their coats :Thumbp2:

SOSR now I assume, never fed WOSR
I tried WOSR straw for bedding years ago but the cattle ate it all! I then put a bale in a round feeder and they went mad for it. As Ozzy says it’s full of oil and gives a great gloss to their coats. Only trouble was volunteers inthe after the fym was spread on land for beet. Now it all goes for heating.
I'm thinking of feeding osr straw to cows? Any good? Or is it harmful to them?
I don't even know if they'll eat it.
Lost a few milking cows to it. We were including 500gms/hd in the tmr as a source of roughage.

The vet said if there’s moisture in the xylem (phloem?) that it’s poisonous. The straw/haulm must be dried out completely to make it safe.