Silage 2021

Question ......if you know that a piece of grassland kit that came into a dealers yard last feb 2020 and was never sold yet but you knew the price of it last year at last year's stock price would you be expecting it to be sold now at similar price considering that that piece of kit is 980 euro dearer at the minute and rising again in the autumn.
I know this cause I have inside info so would yee expect it will be priced at current price
Question ......if you know that a piece of grassland kit that came into a dealers yard last feb 2020 and was never sold yet but you knew the price of it last year at last year's stock price would you be expecting it to be sold now at similar price considering that that piece of kit is 980 euro dearer at the minute and rising again in the autumn.
I know this cause I have inside info so would yee expect it will be priced at current price
No. Someone that I know bought a new tanker and less attachment from a dealer recently. Like you, I have inside info and I know that the tanker has been in the dealers yard since late 2019. But my inside informer also tells that the dealer only paid a % of the value of the tanker to the manufacturer when it arrived and the balance was paid when it was sold. The manufacturer sends out a rrp list periodically and the dealers and they have to stick closely enough to that. The same insider said that the same deal is also in place for some grass equipment such as balers, mowers and rakes so if the dealer was to sell to you at last years price, they might make a loss on it.
I take it from the journal that they are malones that own it.knew a malone man from streamstown that used to milk and his son's got out of cows and into it the same family
They where on farm flix last year and that’s what they where saying , they didn’t have the dig machine then do
No. Someone that I know bought a new tanker and less attachment from a dealer recently. Like you, I have inside info and I know that the tanker has been in the dealers yard since late 2019. But my inside informer also tells that the dealer only paid a % of the value of the tanker to the manufacturer when it arrived and the balance was paid when it was sold. The manufacturer sends out a rrp list periodically and the dealers and they have to stick closely enough to that. The same insider said that the same deal is also in place for some grass equipment such as balers, mowers and rakes so if the dealer was to sell to you at last years price, they might make a loss on it.
Paid in full on delivery last year
Paid in full on delivery last year
Fair enough, but after having paid for it, maybe paying interest on it or losing interest if the money could have been invested elsewhere, surely he will want to get market value for it rather than selling it cheaper than a dealer 30 miles down the road
His to sell at whatever the market price is then then really, no harm to bounce it off him but I would think the dealer is entitled to do what they want with the equipment
Absolutely. The dealer has had money tied up in it with over a year, so if he can benefit from a rising tide thats his business, same way as it is his business if he has to sell at a loss.
And as for 'inside information' we are talking machinery dealers here, not Wall Street.:rolleyes:
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I take it from the journal that they are malones that own it.knew a malone man from streamstown that used to milk and his son's got out of cows and into it the same family
Yes,thats them,id be friendly with the two lads,
Absolutely. The dealer has had money tied up in it with over a year, so if he can benefit from a rising tide thats his business, same way as it is his business if he has to sell at a loss.
And as for 'inside information' we are talking machinery dealers here, not Wall Street.:rolleyes:
That's true too but lads i have higher inside info than just insider the dealers premises.friends in hi place and a neighbour too
Fair enough, but after having paid for it, maybe paying interest on it or losing interest if the money could have been invested elsewhere, surely he will want to get market value for it rather than selling it cheaper than a dealer 30 miles down the road
Yep. If the price had gone down he would have no choice but to sell it cheaper so it only stands to reason if the price went up he should be able to price against the market if he wishes.
Question ......if you know that a piece of grassland kit that came into a dealers yard last feb 2020 and was never sold yet but you knew the price of it last year at last year's stock price would you be expecting it to be sold now at similar price considering that that piece of kit is 980 euro dearer at the minute and rising again in the autumn.
I know this cause I have inside info so would yee expect it will be priced at current price
I'd expect it to be at current price, maybe a bit less if the dealer wants to move it on. He may have more scope for a deal than another dealer but that would be up to him. Is there any reason it should be less other than you know he paid less for it? Minor changes to the model, weathered from sitting etc.
That's true too but lads i have higher inside info than just insider the dealers premises.friends in hi place and a neighbour too
That's true too but lads i have higher inside info than just insider the dealers premises.friends in hi place and a neighbour too
Go to the dealer and tell him you have friends in high places and a neighbour, that you know all his business. See what he says to you?
Go to the dealer and tell him you have friends in high places and a neighbour, that you know all his business. See what he says to you?
He knows that, cause the dealer buys through my mate.
Anyway no matter what price it is now there is only one way the price is going , another 4 % next week and possibly another rise in the autumn
I'm finding this hard to understand, you always sell at market price.

Similar if a dealer bought a machine and the arse fell out of the market, they have to shift them at a lower price.

Often it can be profitable to sell at a loss as you may make a good few quid on the trade in