Knight sprayer

I think I’m probably finished for the year.

Gave the sprayer a wash down (by hand, not power hose).
Greased joints. Must just give the pump oil a change.
Took apart the main nozzles and washed with a nail brush as the winter herbicide residue can often go hard over winter and block nozzles on the first day out in the spring.

It has 3 seasons done. We gave it a coating with Rocol when it arrived. It still has a reasonable coating on it but I might give it a fresh coat over winter. Hope to get a lot of years out of the machine.

Only this morning I was praising the sprayer for being relatively simple and very reliable. I spoke too soon :bored:

Just finished up some spraying and noticed the tank washing system wasn’t activating.
Followed the piping and spotted a motorised valve. Turned out it had jammed in the closed position (meaning it wouldn’t send water to the tank wash nozzles).
Luckily the motor hadn’t burnt out despite trying to turn the jammed ball valve.

Took it down and eventually worked out how to strip the valve completely. Cleaned it, adjusted the clearances and lubricated all moving surfaces with Lanolin grease.

Put it back together and it appears to work perfectly with no leaks.
