Llamas ! ???


Well-Known Member
I saw some very good advice concerning peacocks on this forum, ( stay away from them ! ) and I wonder does anyone have any experience of llamas. I have new tenants moving into a house soon and they have two female llamas which they would like to run with my sheep. My main concern is fencing, are they easy to keep in or are they like Jacob sheep and impossible to fence in. Are there any Dept. requirements like testing or tagging? Any advice would be appreciated.
If the sheep are lambing do they attack the lambs as they see them as vermin. Just something i might have heard in the past
Don't they need TB testing?

Ask to see them first.
Any doubts as to their condition / disease status, just say no.

To them they are pets, and might not realise what cost they could carry onto a commercial farm.
Don't they need TB testing?

Ask to see them first.
Any doubts as to their condition / disease status, just say no.

To them they are pets, and might not realise what cost they could carry onto a commercial farm.
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I saw some very good advice concerning peacocks on this forum, ( stay away from them ! ) and I wonder does anyone have any experience of llamas. I have new tenants moving into a house soon and they have two female llamas which they would like to run with my sheep. My main concern is fencing, are they easy to keep in or are they like Jacob sheep and impossible to fence in. Are there any Dept. requirements like testing or tagging? Any advice would be appreciated.

Go ye ahead (as Jethro would say) used to collect milk from a dairy farm in oxon, he had llamas running with his sheep all year round and yes they will see off Reynard's approach towards lambs no more difficult to keep in than sheep.... And lats face it if your inclined to keep sheep you've questionable sanity any way , as regards testing speak to a vet, if they have a passport then just bang one of your eartags in them