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If you wanted more animal impact you could leave them less area. What I like about strip grazing is that you can easily adjust the area depending various factors. I'm trying to get the balance of animal performance and making enough impact.

The problem with mine is that they are getting uneasy on it when I force them into a tighter space to try to get a better impact on it. They bawl every time they see a human, hear a quad or a tractor. The bull is digging holes and the cows are pushing at hedges. I'm letting them back on ground that was grazed tight 2 weeks ago to try to quell the uneasiness. They will go to the stemmy grass for parts of the day but come back to the barer ground and lie there for most of the day once their bellies are full. The only solution for it is a run of the topper but I have to wait another 2 weeks before I can do that.
The problem with mine is that they are getting uneasy on it when I force them into a tighter space to try to get a better impact on it. They bawl every time they see a human, hear a quad or a tractor. The bull is digging holes and the cows are pushing at hedges. I'm letting them back on ground that was grazed tight 2 weeks ago to try to quell the uneasiness. They will go to the stemmy grass for parts of the day but come back to the barer ground and lie there for most of the day once their bellies are full. The only solution for it is a run of the topper but I have to wait another 2 weeks before I can do that.
If it's very stemmy it can be tricky as they might be reluctant to eat it. No point in wrecking ground too.

Some folks move them multiple times a day in a similar situation but it depends on what's practical too.
What’s the plan with the bullocks gone, are you hanging up soon?
I usually keep them till late Jan-Feb, I graze them on Rape/Kale sown after barley. I was thinking of selling this week, but will leave them now.
I always sell in a mart as I don't have Bord Bia parasite pass. They really are only a hobby.
When they come here first I do call them up to the gap to make it easy when I want to move them. Now whenever they see me coming they think that they are getting moved. I can't let them see or hear me or they're all around in a flash.

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I think that is a time of year thing. The ones here are the same looking for a move no matter how much grass they have.