Machinery on Youtube

seen them do that in the local scrap yard hear, not quite as extensive as that mind, he hadent the claws on the digger they just tracked up ontop of the car to hold it down whilst pulling engine ect out, wasnt pulling wiring looms or spliting the cylinder hed of the engine mind, skillfull job :yes:
seen them do that in the local scrap yard hear, not quite as extensive as that mind, he hadent the claws on the digger they just tracked up ontop of the car to hold it down whilst pulling engine ect out, wasnt pulling wiring looms or spliting the cylinder hed of the engine mind, skillfull job :yes:
Young lads around here had a Caterpillar 951 Trackscavator used to drive up on the car from behind and lift the engine out . EPA put a stop to that .
'What was he thinking' comes to mind.

[ame=""]Unfall: Bagger überschlägt sich - Excavator crash OMG 事故 - YouTube[/ame]
some good toys in this one:cool:

[ame=""]Forestry on steep slope - YouTube[/ame]
3 smashing videos of the same outfit :cool:



3 smashing videos of the same outfit :cool:
i take it we are using one of these.
serious bit of kit, and not out of the world in price when you consider what it can do.
[ame=""]The New XP2 Quadcopter Aerial Video and Photos by XProheli - Smooth Shots Eliminating Vibration - YouTube[/ame]

never mind how3 much chad here loves his copter, check out his glasses......
[ame=""]I Love my XP2 Quadcopter! - YouTube[/ame]
Pretty brave (or foolish)

[ame=""]HPS Erdarbeiten - YouTube[/ame]
Sh1t, thats not nice to watch. being on rock like that is like being on ice, what the hell was he thinking:no:
iirc they were calling him a chicken when he was half way down it.
so on he went.
i wouldnt think things ended too well tbh.
iirc they were calling him a chicken when he was half way down it.
so on he went.
i wouldnt think things ended too well tbh.

No i doubt they did, id have jumped ship when she started sliding but then again its easy saying that when yer not in that position
what about this................

[ame=""]"Unknown Operator" flips excavator! - YouTube[/ame]
just imagine the pressure on things..

[ame=""]The Stuck Dozer Rerscue: Take 3 - YouTube[/ame]
all those diggers about and none of them giving him a hand , that door never going to fit right again :thumbdown:

A man like that would be past helping would he not.
Indeed he shouldn't be let drive anything other than a navi I'm.
Even when he was out he couldn't get her out.
On the subject of machine videos these two lads do have good ones up every now and then
[ame=""]Laying 700 Concrete Sewer Pipe: The Whole Experience - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]385C L Powerstripe On Bench - Outside View - YouTube[/ame]