
Find out a local person in the gun club to cut the numbers down and get him to hang one of the crows upside down over the bales/ pit.
I do it around here and havent had an issue in years. Would need to be a regular thing though. Any decent lad in a gun club would be glad to do it.
My experience of Crow bangers is it wont keep them away as they learn that its only a noise maker.
Some say that a kite type of thing with a owl or that on it keeps them away but like everything else they get used to it.
Had to quit getting maize for the winter as they destroyed it and messing in the sheds and as for the stink or them, even when buffering the milkers at the shoulders at milking time had to go back to a nut rather than a blend.
God bless the " kill crow " when it could be got . It was might stuff.
Probaly be easy enough to " make lunch " for them if ya knew what ingredients to cook.
Shooting the a waste of time
Get yourself a gun licence. That's what I did. Other than that contact your locAl gun club and ask to get someone up. All you can do is keep shooting at them. Presume it's pigeons in the shed. Wait till it gets dull and get someone with a air rifle and a flash lamp and take them out. Crows and pigeon numbers are very high this year and they seem to be hungry too.
Someone on here advised running fishing line or similar at random between buildings or such.

Crows come in to land and can't see it... hit it... and scares the bejeebers out of them not being able too see it!

A drone can help too. Chase em about.