Covid 19

Bachelor farmer in his 50s around here at home in hospital with the virus, supposedly very sick with it, unvaccinated of course
I am not anti vaccine and listen daily to both narratives of current situation. But feel it’s all one sided media an no one allowed to question the so called experts

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Given that about 93% of the population is vaccinated, and a large proportion of the unvaccinated are under 12 and therefore in a low risk category, the data in the table clearly shows that vaccination reduces the death rate
Not aimed at anyone's views, vaccinated or unvaccinated, just thought it was a great line.
Man locally passed away being covid positive. He had an underlying condition but most likely would have motored away for a good few years if he hadn't contacted the virus.

I heard about 150 "mourners" packed into a fairly small pub for refreshments afterwards.
Man locally passed away being covid positive. He had an underlying condition but most likely would have motored away for a good few years if he hadn't contacted the virus.

I heard about 150 "mourners" packed into a fairly small pub for refreshments afterwards.
At this stage we are 20ish months into this pandemic and we shouldn't need rules, regulations, guidelines or laws to govern our behaviour. It all comes down to personal responsibility and risk assessment as to where we go or don't. The likes of funerals and more to the point the socialising afterwards are high risk situations.
At this stage we are 20ish months into this pandemic and we shouldn't need rules, regulations, guidelines or laws to govern our behaviour. It all comes down to personal responsibility and risk assessment as to where we go or don't. The likes of funerals and more to the point the socialising afterwards are high risk situations.
There are people capable of being responsible as you suggest.
Many others, particularly younger don't see this virus as a personal threat so will do as they wish if allowed.
They can then spread it around potentially causing harm to more vulnerable people.
Suggesting that we don't need rules is living in fairyland.
People were never meant to live forever.

My best friend is 41 and for the last 11 years he has battled 4 different brain tumors. In the last 3 years, things have gotten much worse for him. He has been close to death a number of times, but has always managed to pull through. In the last 12 months, he has gone through intensive radium and chemotherapy treatment, 26 sessions of each. It has rattled him. He would do anything to live - he'd cut off half of his body if he thought that it could give him more years to spend with his 3 daughter's that are 3, 5 and 7.

He has a Glioma - it is like a bone that grows inside his skull and puts pressure on his brain. He has had 2 strokes and has had to learn to walk again. His Glioma was not preventable. They occur in 1 in every 20,000 people at some stage in their lives. It chooses fit, strong and young people as well as old, fat and unfit people.

He knows that he's not meant to live forever, but there are thousands of people in ireland just like him - contracting covid would whip his life in an instant.

The spread of Covid is preventable.
We can't just live our lives believing that nobody else matters.
Those of us that are well have a responsible to sick and elderly people to protect them to the best of our ability.
They are our parents, grandparents and friends.
They are the people that gave us life and raised us and the people that gave us friendship and made us what we are today.

Everyone is tired and weary. If the healthy young people are tired and weary, imagine how the old and sick people feel. That's no reason for the healthy people to give two fingers to everyone else and suggest that their lives are less important?

People are happy to throw all of this away so that they can go to the pub or nightclub or not wear a mask, or not keep their distance? People talking about their human rights being taken away. Everyone has rights - surely the right to live should thrump all other rights?
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My best friend is 41 and for the last 11 years he has battled 4 different brain tumors. In the last 3 years, things have gotten much worse for him. He has been close to death a number of times, but has always managed to pull through. In the last 12 months, he has gone through intensive radium and chemotherapy treatment, 26 sessions of each. It has rattled him. He would do anything to live - he'd cut off half of his body if he thought that it could give him more years to spend with his 3 daughter's that are 3, 5 and 7.

He has a Glioma - it is like a bone that grows inside his skull and puts pressure on his brain. He has had 2 strokes and has had to learn to walk again. His Glioma was not preventable. They occur in 1 in every 20,000 people at some stage in their lives. It chooses fit, strong and young people as well as old, fat and unfit people.

He knows that he's not meant to live forever, but there are thousands of people in ireland just like him - contracting covid would whip his life in an instant.

The spread of Covid is preventable.
We can't just live our lives believing that nobody else matters.
Those of us that are well have a responsible to sick and elderly people to protect them to the best of our ability.
They are our parents, grandparents and friends.
They are the people that gave us life and raised us and the people that gave us friendship and made us what we are today.

Everyone is tired and weary. If the healthy young people are tired and weary, imagine how the old and sick people feel. That's no reason for the healthy people to give two fingers to everyone else and suggest that their lives are less important?

People are happy to throw all of this away so that they can go to the pub or nightclub or not wear a mask, or not keep their distance? People talking about their human rights being taken away. Everyone has rights - surely the right to live should thrump all other rights?
Am I right in thinking its who I'm thinking, you were best man or groomsman for him
This thread can get very emotive, I have taken slight offence at being compared to a Politician and a NPHET cheerleader and I am sure I have been less than diplomatic on here on too many occasions. We are all tired and at our wits end trying to deal with this virus and the very onerous restrictions. I think we need to try to make sure we do our best not to allow our posts to get personal or offensive.
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Post should never get personal.
Opinions are good and everyone is entitled to express theirs here,that's surely what a forum is about.
Name calling or derogatory comparisons of members should not be tolerated.
Everyone is able to read ,decide and form their own opinions quietly.
It's unfortunate that a long standing member had to banned this week but without seeing the conversation it seems it was the right thing to do.
We don't need aggro on here,or anywhere else for that matter
I was in the Arboretum the other morning and there was a lot of older people meeting in large groups and eating together. They were masked walking around but social distancing was minimal at the table. Lucky they were not young or I would have been complaining about them .
There are people capable of being responsible as you suggest.
Many others, particularly younger don't see this virus as a personal threat so will do as they wish if allowed.
They can then spread it around potentially causing harm to more vulnerable people.
Suggesting that we don't need rules is living in fairyland.

I came across this this morning, shows the breakdown of incidence of Covid19 between different age groups since 1st of July.
It's fairly obvious from the way the colour changes from green to orange across the different groups over time that the younger cohorts, who suffer minimal risks mostly, passed it to older and younger cohorts and it rose through the age groups to infect more of the vulnerable in each cohort and is now widespread in the older, more vulnerable cohorts.

It doesn't make any case for opening up fully and letting this virus run through the population, the opposite in fact.

Austria has announced a 20 day lockdown, to be reviewed in 10 days, to try to break the cycle of infection there and more countries are likely to follow.
The tweet in question.
There’s a massive government blindspot with schools, 5-12 year group is where it’s doing the rounds. My sister is out sick with COVID, she’s a teacher who caught it from a child in class. Schools are now the contract tracing arm of the HSE. Why a >6 year old child can’t wear a mask at school is a fecking joke along with it’s not mandatory for antigen testing to attend school.…..pathetic leadership again from this government

the longer this goes on the more Christmas is coming under risk
There’s a massive government blindspot with schools, 5-12 year group is where it’s doing the rounds. My sister is out sick with COVID, she’s a teacher who caught it from a child in class. Schools are now the contract tracing arm of the HSE. Why a >6 year old child can’t wear a mask at school is a fecking joke along with it’s not mandatory for antigen testing to attend school.…..pathetic leadership again from this government

the longer this goes on the more Christmas is coming under risk
Be a shock if santy caught covid mid December and had to isolate
There’s a massive government blindspot with schools, 5-12 year group is where it’s doing the rounds. My sister is out sick with COVID, she’s a teacher who caught it from a child in class. Schools are now the contract tracing arm of the HSE. Why a >6 year old child can’t wear a mask at school is a fecking joke along with it’s not mandatory for antigen testing to attend school.…..pathetic leadership again from this government

the longer this goes on the more Christmas is coming under risk
After spending ten minutes here trying to think of a way to respond with my opinion of this without getting banned .

The expression "more to be pitied than laughed at " comes to mind .
There’s a massive government blindspot with schools, 5-12 year group is where it’s doing the rounds. My sister is out sick with COVID, she’s a teacher who caught it from a child in class. Schools are now the contract tracing arm of the HSE. Why a >6 year old child can’t wear a mask at school is a fecking joke along with it’s not mandatory for antigen testing to attend school.…..pathetic leadership again from this government

the longer this goes on the more Christmas is coming under risk

There’s a massive government blindspot with schools, 5-12 year group is where it’s doing the rounds. My sister is out sick with COVID, she’s a teacher who caught it from a child in class. Schools are now the contract tracing arm of the HSE. Why a >6 year old child can’t wear a mask at school is a fecking joke along with it’s not mandatory for antigen testing to attend school.…..pathetic leadership again from this government

the longer this goes on the more Christmas is coming under risk

I find it disgusting that someone would think a six year old child should be made wear a mask at school .

my Mrs found out she has covid today , shes extremely tired but ok otherwise , been that way this past three days which is what prompted her to get a test , I have to have a test tomorrow myself , If I have it I have it
After spending ten minutes here trying to think of a way to respond with my opinion of this without getting banned .

The expression "more to be pitied than laughed at " comes to mind .
I find it disgusting that someone would think a six year old child should be made wear a mask at school .

my Mrs found out she has covid today , shes extremely tired but ok otherwise , been that way this past three days which is what prompted her to get a test , I have to have a test tomorrow myself , If I have it I have it

it’s only a mask, what’s the problem, kids are spreading it and that’s a fairly clear fact from the HSE’s 5-12 year olds stats.

if your kids lived in any other country they would be wearing masks full stop and they would be used to it. People here are too precious and full of wokeism in this country. We’re not talking Austria here, it’s just a mask……
My sister three kids have covid now along with her cos it was picked up in school. Just waiting on my brother in law to get it now. There are serious respiratory hitting young kids at the moment also it's not covid but taking along time to clear.
it’s only a mask, what’s the problem, kids are spreading it and that’s a fairly clear fact from the HSE’s 5-12 year olds stats.

if your kids lived in any other country they would be wearing masks full stop and they would be used to it. People here are too precious and full of wokeism in this country. We’re not talking Austria here, it’s just a mask……

actually the WOKE are hardcore in favour of severe restrictions and state over reach. most were into that " we can be zero " fantasy from earlier in the year

its those of us who value liberty who are opposed , good luck trying to get six year olds to wear masks , even it was ebola we were dealing with , i wouldnt put money on a teacher succeeding . what then , threaten them with expulsion

idea is hysterical