Busy Tillage

I've moved a number of posts into here from the cover crops thread.

It may not be the best home for them but probably the most appropriate one for them.

I apologise some of the content might not flow as a result and if I've missed any let us know.
Remember being on that tractor in my youth. His son liam is with aib in the south east afaik .would live to see the full article
Not sure they were based near gowran anyway. They had a big kv plough that needed a garda escort .my dad knew Tommy through match ploughing
I think Liam walked crops for us years ago before went back to collage and then onto the bank , was a good agronomist, might have been with Quinns at the time
he,s like most smart young lads from farming backgrounds in that he realised there,s more money in talking and selling to farmers than being one
Are the family still farming on a large scale?. Thats some amount of ground even by todays standards.
@kverneland es 80 may know more but i think two nephews of his are still at it,i sold them a machine a few months back and only realised lately that they were related to that man,as i heard that tractor has since returned to Kilkenny,and when i enquired who owned it originally i was told he was an uncle of the two lads that were here.
He had land taken between the Royal Oak and Goresbridge one time and at harvest time one year there were 10 combines cutting there, I think they were mostly hired in.
Jimmy Brett used be on television and I think went home to the family business. Phelan got into financial difficulties and was supposed to have said he wanted to be the biggest farmer in Ireland but said he ended up being the farmer with the biggest debt. Liam Quinn backed him and I think it all turned out all right in the end. I know a Quinn rep that started out delivering chemicals down to him . All very tidy farms down around Kilkenny and a lot of OLD money. Are some of the Phelan,s the last men standing after the Greenfield Debacle. They were around before Glanbia and they will be around when Ballyragget is a rusted rookery.