The reseeding thread

is that 135 a bit of a rarity, dynamo and straight axle. foot throttle and if I'm not mistaken aluminum grab handles on the rear mudguards.
1971. Multi-Power, deluxe seat, seems to have been a few extras on her. Ex-UK council I think, it's at home since it came into the country in 1979. There used to be a fella on the docks in Dun Laoghaire who imported and sold a few, neighbours bought a 165 off him.
Need a bit of advice with a reseed I done recently. I burned off a field with roundup and 3 weeks later I got it direct drilled which was 19 days ago. The grass is starting to come up as you can see in the photos. But unfortunately the field is after getting covered In thistles since it was burned off. What is the best thing to do now. Is it too soon to spray off the thistles without affecting the grass?
Of all the weeds in a reseed, thistles would be one I would consider the easiest to control, just top twice a year after the cattle come out and they will be almost unnoticible in 3 years.
But I try very hard not to use sprays so maybe I'm just being quare :sad:
Of all the weeds in a reseed, thistles would be one I would consider the easiest to control, just top twice a year after the cattle come out and they will be almost unnoticible in 3 years.
But I try very hard not to use sprays so maybe I'm just being quare :sad:

Thistles don’t like being cut low,you never see them in a field cut regular for silage.
These comments are being taken on board here!

Any advice on stinging nettles??
Nettles are the same,they can’t stand repeated mowing,the only nettles I have are round troughs and hedges.
I have a 15 acre field that begs to differ!😂😂

We re seeded it with an einbok (4 passes, 2 with seed) grass came up well, but so did the nettles. Cut twice a year since 6 years or more, still as bad!
Cut it 3 times then.

😂 Fair point!

I felt better after having an Australian over to stay.
He was properly jealous that our land was good enough to grow thistles and stingers! 😂

Only land he had that would grow thistles was a few corners where sheep would weather storms!
Would I be right in thinking a broadcast seeder would not work well on this harrow with the channel type tyne bars?


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You could mount the seeder in front of the tractor if it's an electric broadcaster?
I did think that alright. Might never get one just contemplating it.
Would driving over seed pre harrow cause any bother? Would the seed getting the full lash of the harrow in tilled ground risk over burying the seed?
I did think that alright. Might never get one just contemplating it.
Would driving over seed pre harrow cause any bother? Would the seed getting the full lash of the harrow in tilled ground risk over burying the seed?
If the ground is as firm as it should be before sowing grass seed this shouldn’t be an issue. I’d only be tickling in grass seed, just enough to cover it.
We direct drilled some Grass last autumn into organic old pastures and silage ground. One field was disked, rotovated, ph and rolled, but sown with the same seed. I should pop up photos. The latter has clover coming and the grass looks way better. So Im not a fan or believer in DD system for organic unless your stuck for time and other options.

That also said, I am also toying with using a small 35hp tractor of mine to prepare a field or two this year (if I get time). I just feel, when I mowed years ago, any fields that were prepared by the aul lads with small tractors were level and smooth. The rough ones were where fellas had bigger tractors or after a contractor.
Newish to this so hope this in the right spot....had/have planned to ressed 14 acres in August. Plan was to spray off, power harrow etc but a local lad said this week that I would get the same results by stitching it. Have no experience of either method here but will be aiming to reseed annually from here on. Any advice is greatly appreciated
Newish to this so hope this in the right spot....had/have planned to ressed 14 acres in August. Plan was to spray off, power harrow etc but a local lad said this week that I would get the same results by stitching it. Have no experience of either method here but will be aiming to reseed annually from here on. Any advice is greatly appreciated
If you don’t spray it off your doing a half arse job,I spray off to kill couch grass weeds and old grass,stitching is a short term measure.
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My “min-till” re-seeds have done well but I’m regretting not sub soiling before hand,mostly down to a wet winter and capping it off harrowing etc
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