Winter Oats 2020

We had ploughed so far across the field last year and it had been raining that morning so we sowed the grass part first them made a middle and went back and did the stubble after it dried up a bit. The power harrow took out any sign of a middle.
Not my field so you do as instructed, but we were sowing when everyone said it was to wet they then the were whinging about missing the chance.
Is it not a bit courageous to sow Oats on the 5th October. Would there not be a danger of them shooting out and the growing point getting killed by an early spring frost. It happened to us in a limited way and we got secondary tillers but we got away with it .
Given that we are min till and things happen slower than with ploughing we never sow much before the 20 th October.
@CORK . Not sure of the variety its home saved organic seed, it's not my crop I just do the sowing there. Hopefully being it will not shoot to early. Last year we drilled on the 22 and the previous year the 14. The aim is mid October. He sells his own organic gluten free porridge.
I probably won’t listen if it’s not the answer I want to hear but if it what I want to hear it will be great!!!! When do lads consider it to late to sow oats, it’s very dry ground on top of a hill and water won’t lie on it.
I probably won’t listen if it’s not the answer I want to hear but if it what I want to hear it will be great!!!! When do lads consider it to late to sow oats, it’s very dry ground on top of a hill and water won’t lie on it.

it’s most likely a spring variety so late April is probably the answer.

obviously, crows are quite keen on porridge on winter mornings....
I probably won’t listen if it’s not the answer I want to hear but if it what I want to hear it will be great!!!! When do lads consider it to late to sow oats, it’s very dry ground on top of a hill and water won’t lie on it.
I have given up on getting winter oats in at this stage. Middle of next February will be the soonest I would go at it again. I had both winter and spring oats this year and all in I was happier with the spring oats.